Making a splash!

How St. Leonhards Quellen inspires viewers to drink more water with its TV commercial

Customer St. Leonhards Quellen | Solution Explainer Video | Year 2023

Following his personal experience with the "Leonhards spring", Johann Abfalter had a vision that each person can find a water that suits their individual needs. So, in 1996 he took over the spring and founded St. Leonhards Quellen. The company now has over 50 employees and is market leader for mineral water in the German organic and whole foods market with 9 water varieties from 6 springs.

The Challenge

Message in a bottle: Explaining? The natural way!

Purity, naturalness, vitality – these are just a few of the characteristics that define the mineral water from St. Leonhards Quellen and which were already appreciated by the Celts and Romans. It is precisely these unique selling points that enable the company to distinguish itself from the competition. After all, there is a great variety of mineral water suppliers in Germany – while consumers appreciate this, it also means that it is a challenge to stand out as a supplier. This is why St. Leonhards wanted to introduce its high-quality spring and mineral water to the German public in a commercial on public broadcasting channel ZDF. In early 2023, the company searched for a creative agency with which it can implement not just a commercial, but an explainer spot. The goal was to educate people about the origins and benefits of St. Leonhards’ natural water – and to do so with a key message that is as simple and concise as possible and that consumers can grasp immediately at first glance.

The Solution

Sought and found: Partner with a passion

In order to find the perfect partner, St. Leonhards Quellen conducted a tender. youknow was shortlisted alongside two other companies and ultimately impressed not only with a visual concept, but particularly with a sound understanding of the brand and the company’s values, as well as with an attention to detail and a passion for the project.

Real life, real images: The perfect balance between illustration and real image

The conceptual requirement was not just to show how to bottle spring water, but to incorporate an awareness component (keyword "active perception") into the story to demonstrate the benefits of St. Leonhards’ water compared to other types of water. The key was to strike a balance between an explanatory and an emotional message, and to introduce a relatively complex topic to viewers as briefly and succinctly as possible: What is so special about water from deep well and how does it differ from other types of water? The wording had to be positive and make viewers want to drink more water.

This requirement is also reflected in the style development. It was clear from the beginning that the film would be illustrated in 2D, as this is the most eye-catching and easiest way for viewers to understand. The 2D illustration style – where characters and objects consist of only one height and one width – is perfect for conveying knowledge in a simple way. It is important for St. Leonhards Quellen to bottle its water with the greatest possible naturalness and vitality – so the requirement for the illustrations was that they resemble real images and reflect the foothills of the Alps in Rosenheim – where the company’s headquarters and the home of the spring water are located.

Additionally, the key messages "purity, naturalness, vitality" had to be depicted in a harmonious way and with flowing movements. Based on these requirements, youknow developed an illustration style in which the forms were simple, yet with an attention to detail. The smooth transitions and dynamic movements reflect the living water. Clear, fresh colors and a real representation of nature put the focus on purity and naturalness.

„"We have found a partner in youknow and particularly designer Robert Wolff, who has a deep understanding of our brand and message, but also a strong passion for the project and a keen attention to detail. The TV spot is emotional and explanatory at the same time and conveys in just 14 seconds what our products are all about: pure and living water that you can taste and feel. Our expectations for the spot were absolutely met: We have seen a significant increase in users on our website as a result of our brand campaign, and we have also seen increased demand in retail."“

Fabian Angerer, Head of Marketing St. Leonhards Quellen

The result

Placement around German TV blockbuster series: Right where the target group is

The result is a 14-second spot that transports viewers to the foothills of the Alps and shows how the water emerges from the deep layers of the ground on its own and is then bottled. Stylistically, the clip fits perfectly into the corporate design of St. Leonhards Quellen.

Since ZDF is a public broadcasting company, the TV commercial reached a mostly older target group. In order to also reach a younger target group, the clip was also shown on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Google and Spotify – with great success!

Hitting the mark: Spot inspires an audience of millions

The objective of the video campaign was to generate the highest possible reach and increase brand awareness.

The goals and expectations of St. Leonhards Quellen were fully met within just one month. Since the broadcast, the company has recorded a reach in double-diget million range as well as a significant increase in users on its website. To date, the video also has over 600,000 views on YouTube.

Audience favorite: From delighted customers to enthusiastic retailers

Feedback from customers and retailers on the video has been overwhelmingly positive. There are numerous enthusiastic customer comments on social media: ""Great spot – very well done! 😍", "Great video 👏 Super appealing 🙌 Delicious water 💦", "Ingenious commercial ❤️". It doesn’t stop at the expressions of enthusiasm, because especially St. Leonhards Quellen’s retail partners have noticed a positive impact on sales since the spot was released.

What’s next?

To be continued: New campaign in 2024

The TV campaign and the digital campaign ran out at the end of June, but the website still features the key visuals and snippets from the clip. As for next year, St. Leonhards Quellen is planning another major video campaign – but probably with more real images to convey less knowledge and more emotion. So don’t forget to tune in!

Wir sind für Sie da!

Noah Walz, Sales Manager

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