360° e-learning

The virtual, interactive learning experience for explorers

  • Learn in a virtual space – ideal for a gamification approach, for example
  • Versatile and guaranteed not boring: Integration of videos, infographics, quiz questions, forms – and much more
  • A design tailored for you
  • Easy integration into your LMS or your website
  • Integration of your own media when necessary
  • No hardware investment needed: It’s simple to use on the PC or with Cardboard on a smartphone.

Whether occupational safety, behavioral training, human encounters or high-tech products – the format is ideal for teaching about topics that take place in spatial situations. In doing so, we draw on the human instinct to play – because there is an explorer inside all of us. Whether a 360° image or 360° film, 360 experience offers added educational value with the feel of an experience.

Sample 360 experience

What exactly does it involve? You can see how it works in this sample from our demo case on autonomous driving – a 360 experience including two interactions (in German).

Demo Case: 360° illustration (in German)

The 360° illustration lets you take the first step toward virtual reality. Learners click & drag to explore the room and watch videos, answer quiz questions and open texts and graphics, for instance. This video clip of a 360 experience shows you how it can look.

Customer voices

“Of course you can use PowerPoint to explain a lot – but some topics need a more descriptive, innovative approach. The interactive 360° illustrations by youknow are just right for me. The learners appreciate the virtual reality approach that allows them to gradually explore the learning content in the 360° space at their own pace. When you add to that a multifaceted media mix of videos, graphics and texts, they quickly perceive the subject as relevant and valuable. The learners really feel that they have arrived in a new culture of learning – at the latest when they find the hidden Easter eggs. Then we have more than achieved our goal.“

Dr. Sven Lehmann, Global Project Manager at a Munich-based technology group

How would you like your learning experience to look?

Noah Walz, Sales Manager

Would you like to learn more about 360 experience and possible usage scenarios? We would be happy to speak with you personally. Please write to us using the contact form or contact us directly via email or phone:

+41 44 798 23 91